Friday, June 24, 2011

Humility: The Greatest Joy

           As Christians we must strive for humility. Many agree it is important, but I would beg, our humility will dictate much of how impacted we are by God's Words, and how we will continually be renewed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Essentially, as broken vessels, humility is an acknowledgment of who we are, specifically in light of who God is. So if I were to break up the steps of humility, it would be rather simple, compare yourself with God. Read of God's character if you do not know Him, and search your own hearts writings to find who you truly are. Surely I can say when this is done, you will begin to see your own weakness. Our flaws should be revealed, the world often speaks of imperfection as though it is innocent. But it is surely the opposite, we are wicked, and we act so knowingly.
          Once we begin to grasp who we are in God's light it gets exciting. The Bible comes alive, and the fear of the Lord becomes real. We tremble reading of God's wrath, knowing that it was intended for us. The Just burden of the law weighs down and we feel the need for a Savior. This excitement reaches its apex when we look to Golgotha and see Christ suffering for us. For the one who was to bring wrath justly, is now recieving it, willingly. Taking on the clothing of my wickedness, and being punished as though he were I. That I may be lifted up as though I am Him.
      Really, humility is not the end, the Love of God is. As we learn humility, we begin to savor so much more Christ's atonement for us. We see our unworthiness and His greatness. Then we are changed, transformed by the revelation of his unbound love. It is truly magnificent. As great a struggle it is to willingly bruise ourselves in this scrutiny of our weakness, it only feeds to press the overwhelming love of Christ deeper into our Souls.

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