Monday, August 15, 2011

A Call to Prayer

     "It's not a religion it's a relationship." If you have grown up in a church, or even know anyone who goes to church, it is likely you have heard this spoken before. Often in rebuttal to those at odds with religion. Oddly enough, this Christian 'axiom' is found nowhere in the Bible. I am not claiming this statement to be false, I simply wish to try the truth of it in the lives of those who state it.
    I have found, mostly in myself, that we claim this "relationship" with Christ, yet we do little to act upon it.  This is most apparent in our rampant prayerlessness. For being in "relationship", we talk with our King very little. Perhaps we listen to Him even less, most would say they read The Word of God. Which I commend, that is great, yet it seems even this has become a religious act. We do not read to listen to our heavenly Lord, often times it is a check off the list. Something to make us feel as though we have achieved more grace, as absurd as that paradox is.  
   What I find troubling about this, is we do many of our good works in order to commend ourselves to God, as though this will achieve some end. We treat our prayer, reading and worships as the means to some lofty goal. How Foolish! Prayer, and worship are all the Ends, they are not the means. What is eternity but to know the Living God. When we sit before the throne of grace we are recieving a glimpse of eternity.
   This is not to say prayer does not achieve, I would argue prayer is our greatest means for action, yet it is because we are speaking to the Living God that it brings change. First in our own hearts, and then in the world. Our vanity loads us down with pressure of "saving souls' as though it is something we must do, we feel the burden of talking to men for God in an effort to move their souls. How foolish! It was not our own reasoning that rebirthed our souls, nor will it be our reasoning with man that will give them newness of life.
   In view of this, it is clear our only hope for the Salvation of man is God's acting. Yet if this is so, why do we strive to change man's heart through reasoning with Him, rather than pour our hearts out before our Lord. With fervency we must pour our souls out like wine before our King. Let us be a generation with worn knees and praying hearts. Man's heart is moved in the closet of prayer. Let us arise at dawn and bring lost souls to Christ, when the Sun is highest let us labor to lift men up to God, as the sun descends shall we empty our souls in hope of redemption for the sons of Adam, and in the eeriness of night let us wake and intercede with zeal for our despairing race. May we be a people who do not take the graces of Christ's blood lightly, it is a weighty occurrence for wretched men to come before The Almighty Creator whose power is immeasurable. Let us go to Him in reverence and joy, rejoicing in our adoptions, but let us not neglect our fallen world.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Humility: The Greatest Joy

           As Christians we must strive for humility. Many agree it is important, but I would beg, our humility will dictate much of how impacted we are by God's Words, and how we will continually be renewed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Essentially, as broken vessels, humility is an acknowledgment of who we are, specifically in light of who God is. So if I were to break up the steps of humility, it would be rather simple, compare yourself with God. Read of God's character if you do not know Him, and search your own hearts writings to find who you truly are. Surely I can say when this is done, you will begin to see your own weakness. Our flaws should be revealed, the world often speaks of imperfection as though it is innocent. But it is surely the opposite, we are wicked, and we act so knowingly.
          Once we begin to grasp who we are in God's light it gets exciting. The Bible comes alive, and the fear of the Lord becomes real. We tremble reading of God's wrath, knowing that it was intended for us. The Just burden of the law weighs down and we feel the need for a Savior. This excitement reaches its apex when we look to Golgotha and see Christ suffering for us. For the one who was to bring wrath justly, is now recieving it, willingly. Taking on the clothing of my wickedness, and being punished as though he were I. That I may be lifted up as though I am Him.
      Really, humility is not the end, the Love of God is. As we learn humility, we begin to savor so much more Christ's atonement for us. We see our unworthiness and His greatness. Then we are changed, transformed by the revelation of his unbound love. It is truly magnificent. As great a struggle it is to willingly bruise ourselves in this scrutiny of our weakness, it only feeds to press the overwhelming love of Christ deeper into our Souls.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Home from Mexico

I just spent a week at Mexico Caravan and it was a pretty big stepping stone for me. It was definitely different than last year, being it was more of a spiritual high than spiritual growth, where this year it really felt like progress. I have found my dreams of the future are no longer here but with the souls of the broken and hopeless. It's a scary leap but at this point, I will set my sights on a life of overseas toil and pursue it with abandon until that door gets closed. It is surely motivation for me to stretch myself in this current place, as preparation for life in the future one.
The second clear thing I learned from the Lord is the epidemic of insecurity. Most problems, whether sin or fear, stem from insecurity. One who is truly secure in his own identity feels no need for pride, jealousy or even rage. Perhaps that is why we are so compelled by Christ's love, in him are security is found, and what the world says no longer matters. All of our actions should be in response to that love, not in an effort to earn it. The freedom this brings is immense and crucial to allowing us to walk in step with the Spirit with an abundance of joy.
Worst part was saying good bye to new friends knowing you likely won't see them again tell the clouds bust open. Hey, but then we have an eternity together.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I am The Lord, whose name is Jealous

Life often feels the easiest when your eyes are not on God. At least in America it is this way. All feelings of guilt are easily pushed away and worry for others is brushed to the side rather than given to prayer. Life is easier and your mind is filled with ease during the day. However, when the night comes, the emptiness invades, you begin to look at your life and wonder why in the world are you here? The primary goal of all evil spirits of this world is to cut off connection with our Father. That is where our strength is found. Often this is easiest when life seems good. Our tangible need for God floods away. Only when we look back at what has occurred do we see our inaction and lack of purpose without Him. The last few days I have become more aware of my desire for approval of specific others. When I begin to look in my own heart, I see this wanting of being wanted. A jealousy for those whom I desire, not even who are mine. Then I step back and search the heart of my Lord. His jealousy rages, not for those he only desires, but for those who are rightfully His. At first one may feel skeptical seeing God as being jealous, but it is simply that our God is so passionately in love with us he wants us to always have what is best! Us being designed for Him, we can only be satisfied with him. All purpose and joy is found in Him. Surely as a loving God he is jealous. We are not our own, we have been bought for a price, not of money or land, but of blood, the dear blood of our great God's son. His jealousy in Just.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

You May Be The Only One

          I have a few things to say, first being to watch out for second-hand faith. Pete Grieg just touches on this in Red Moon Rising. So much of our relationship with God is dictated by what others tell us about him and how things are supposed to be rather than us learning directly from God. This being through prayer, meditating and reading specifically. I am not saying other inlets are bad but they should not be the whole of your spirituality. The Holy Spirit was sent to us as the great teacher, who better to learn from then him. God loves to teach when we abide in him.
         Now my recent personal experience with this. As I was praying today I began to intercede for several of my friends. Two of my friends I have made it a routine to pray for their salvation. Today I decided to spend a longer than usual time in prayer so i was naturally interceded for more of my friends. Yet it grew on me all those who are lost and need saving. So I simply decided to pray in group because it is quicker, it dawned on my that likely, I am the only person praying for them. Who will intercede for the lost? Who will pay the price, the hours of prayer for the lost souls? It is a large order to fill, and fortunately salvation does not depend upon our ability to pray, but it no doubt has an impact. Well that's all.

This Made me Laugh. All of Creation haha

Sunday, January 16, 2011

For the Sake of His Name

For the last year or so, a large sum of my prayer life has been dedicated to the Hope for All Peoples of the Earth. Since my trip to Mexico Caravan Ministries I have had a heart growing for the lost of the World. MCM teaches a lot about the unreached and impoverished that fill up the proportion of our World's population. Naturally a consistent prayer of mine has been that Jesus would provide workers for his Harvest. Beacons of light to, with the power of Jesus, overcome darkness. And God has surely answered my prayer, certainly not how I would have expected, yet, I don't know anyone better for the task. Just recently I learned that my Youth Pastor will be leaving for Southern Asia with his wife next Fall.
    As difficult as it will be to say good bye to them, I know it is for the better of The Kingdom. They are leaving to a much more difficult life for the sake of God's glory and the satisfaction of the Nation, what better lesson than this could they show? They have not merely taught to follow God where he leads you but they are doing it themselves. Their life is a living testimony of what it is to follow Jesus. They have been such a blessing in my life. Surely it will all be worth when at the feet of the King we, with all peoples of  the world, bow before his throne.
     The community we have had has surely been a glimpse of what Heaven will be. As we must set it aside in this near future, I know we will even sooner be able to enjoy Perfect Communion for an eternity. What a noble work the Lord has called them to do. Works cannot express my love and excitement for them. Surely he will use them for the Salvation of a Nation. Their reward will be full in heaven, all who have left home and family, denied life for death in Christ, and carried their Cross will have life to the fullest. All Blessings to the King with all authority, may he pour out his power upon them to have authority over demons, sickness, and all evils of that Nation. May Hell break apart at their feet.

Carry Your Cross, Die to Yourself

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What if God left Town?

I am only 4 chapters into Red Moon Rising and I can honestly say it's helping me take a better look at my walk down the path of light. In the 3rd chapter Pete Greig makes a personal statement about his own spiritual life when it was in somewhat of a struggle, "I think there's a danger spiritually, for many of us, that if God packed up and left town today we might not notice until tomorrow, or worse." (30) I think many of us may agree that this is true of ourselves. Having read this early in the morning it challenged me throughout the whole day. I noticed how little I depended upon God through prayer. I was stifling work of the holy spirit through worldy distractions and a lack of single-mindedness. I think it comes down to not having our identity fully in Christ. Our nature's have not yet conformed fully to being those dependant on God. This is something I hope dearly to conform to quickly. I suppose it simply means a single-minded heart consumed with the will of our father, the furthering of His kingdom. I guess my challenge is to surrender yourself fully to God, where to refrain from being with him is to surrender activity and the ability to function. Hudson Taylor got it, and now he has passed his secret to us, "the simple, profound secret of drawing for every need, temporal or spiritual, upon 'the fathomless wealth of Christ.'"
Let us cast all upon our Savior and show the world the providence of Jesus.

Red Moon Rising, page 30
Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret, page 16