Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What if God left Town?

I am only 4 chapters into Red Moon Rising and I can honestly say it's helping me take a better look at my walk down the path of light. In the 3rd chapter Pete Greig makes a personal statement about his own spiritual life when it was in somewhat of a struggle, "I think there's a danger spiritually, for many of us, that if God packed up and left town today we might not notice until tomorrow, or worse." (30) I think many of us may agree that this is true of ourselves. Having read this early in the morning it challenged me throughout the whole day. I noticed how little I depended upon God through prayer. I was stifling work of the holy spirit through worldy distractions and a lack of single-mindedness. I think it comes down to not having our identity fully in Christ. Our nature's have not yet conformed fully to being those dependant on God. This is something I hope dearly to conform to quickly. I suppose it simply means a single-minded heart consumed with the will of our father, the furthering of His kingdom. I guess my challenge is to surrender yourself fully to God, where to refrain from being with him is to surrender activity and the ability to function. Hudson Taylor got it, and now he has passed his secret to us, "the simple, profound secret of drawing for every need, temporal or spiritual, upon 'the fathomless wealth of Christ.'"
Let us cast all upon our Savior and show the world the providence of Jesus.

Red Moon Rising, page 30
Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret, page 16

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